Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Day Off

 Really not much to say other than that. It rained pretty steadily starting last night and throughout this morning. We had planned this rest day anyway, so it lined up well. We took care of mundane stuff like laundry and repacking and shipping our cases out and did a lot of planning and booking rooms for the next several days.

We also went and tried out the "Wheel of Gyoza"!

Definitely not 4 dollar signs

Enban Gyoza Terui is in the train station in Fukushima, and mainly servers...well...Enban Gyoza.

The Wheel of Gyoza, now with salad

Enban Gyoza, at least the gyoza at Terui's, is lighter than typical gyoza and more cabbage to pork ratio. It can be made like this, where it is lightly pan fried, but there are some places that make a "soft" gyoza that is more like a regular dumpling. Either way, you could order a wheel of 11 or 22. We ordered 22. If you can count, there are more than 22 on the plate.

Essential addition!
The size of the spoon is an indication of how potent the chili oil was. I used two of these in my little saucer of soy sauce and it was plenty to give it flavor and a tiny bit of spice. We were not prepared to ingest this much fried food, but it would have been rude to leave anything, so...

Tomorrow we have a short cycling day to Shiroishi, where there's a few temples and things to check out before we head into Sendai.

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