Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Late Night Walk

So, I was too tired to really do anything tonight, after the last week of nonstop activity, so I decided I would walk up to 'RT Mart' and grab some food. RT Mart was described to me as a "nearby supermarket" and I was given directions (follow this street till it ends. Turn left at the bridge, then the next right). I figured a little walk to the store, get some bread and fruit for dinner and walk back.

Well, after over a mile of dodging traffic, I finally hit the bridge, which had on ramps that I had to cross (!) in order to continue walking. Wonderful. I eventually found RT Mart, which turned out to be not just a supermarket, but a small shopping mall.
What mall would be complete without Mickey D's?

and an arcade...

and a $1000 mahjhong table...

The inside of RT Mart proper

and the mall. Some very bored looking travel agents line the walkway

This is not a used scooter lot, this is the parking lot. There are more scooters than cars in JhongLi. Everyone has one.
Well, I did eventually get my bread and fruit, and bought a Coke at McDonalds so I could sit there and eat. They are running the Monopoly promotion here, with all the properties replaced by popular places in Taiwan. CYCU is on there!
On my way home, I finally got a little time to take pictures of a few interesting signs I've been seeing.
At the bottom of the sign, you can see this hotel has a 3 hour rate...and is located across the street from an elementary school

I'm determined to eat it!

What I always think of when I hear BMW....

This is a typical street in this neighborhood. Lots of shops, lots of people, lots of scooters. Cars drive both ways down this street.


Gash...I don't think that word means what you think it means. This is the nearby internet cafe
I ending up getting back even later than if I would have gone out to eat with my lab, but it was my first solo wandering, so it was rather nice.

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